Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement 2014

The Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States, has been under threat for decades due to pollution. However, in 2014, the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement was signed, which was a crucial step towards the restoration and protection of the bay. As a professional, this article will delve into the details of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement 2014 and its significance.

What is the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement 2014?

The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement 2014 is a multi-state, multi-jurisdictional agreement intended to restore and protect the Chesapeake Bay, its tributaries, and the lands around them. It was signed by the governors of Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, and the mayor of the District of Columbia. The agreement is built around ten broad goals, including enhancing public access to the bay, restoring wetlands, and reducing nutrient and sediment pollution.

Why is the Agreement significant?

The Chesapeake Bay is a vital economic and ecological resource for the entire region, and pollution threatens it daily. The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement 2014 is significant because it outlines a comprehensive strategy for restoring and protecting the bay by setting specific, measurable goals and a timeline for achieving them. The agreement also promotes collaboration among the different jurisdictions, agencies, and stakeholders involved in the bay`s restoration. With its ambitious goals and coordinated efforts, the agreement has the potential to reverse the damage done to the bay and ensure its long-term health.

What are the goals of the Agreement?

The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement 2014 encompasses ten goals that cover a range of issues, including water quality, habitat restoration, and public access to the bay. The goals are:

1. Watershed-wide nutrient and sediment reductions

2. Compliance with water quality standards

3. Vital habitat protection and restoration

4. Fish and shellfish habitats

5. Wetland and riparian restoration

6. Submerged aquatic vegetation

7. Land conservation

8. Public access

9. Climate change adaptation

10. Environmental literacy

Each of these goals has specific measures and targets that are monitored, reported, and evaluated regularly. For example, the first goal aims to reduce the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the bay by 25% and 24%, respectively, by 2025.

What is the progress so far?

Since the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement 2014 was signed, significant progress has been made towards achieving the goals outlined in the agreement. For instance, the Chesapeake Bay Program`s most recent Bay Barometer report shows that between 2014 and 2019, the total nitrogen and phosphorus loads to the bay decreased by 7% and 11%, respectively. Also, between 2016 and 2019, the bay`s underwater grasses increased by 52%, surpassing the halfway mark of the goal set in the agreement. However, there is still a long way to go to meet some of the goals.


The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement 2014 is an essential document that outlines a comprehensive strategy for restoring and protecting the Chesapeake Bay. The agreement`s goals are ambitious, but progress has been made towards achieving them. With continued collaboration, monitoring, and evaluation, the Chesapeake Bay can be restored to its full ecological and economic potential.